Hey - i have not blogged in quite sometime. far too long to be exact.
so...this is me saying, i'm back.
i'll write a real blog later when i have some thoughts collected.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Posted by Jenn at 1:01 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 31, 2007
This School Year I...
...moved into an apartment with a lot of girls I didn't know too well
...found friendships with those women that can last till we're old and wrinkled
...led a bible study with one of those quality friends
...was scared out of my mind and challenged
...found a church i really like
...experienced my 1st broken heart
...didn't feel complete
...had friends I certainly didn't deserve at times - but was very thankful for
...trusted and sought God more
...prayed more
...traveled outside the country
...learned I don't have everything together - and that's okay.
...eventually put almost all the peices of my heart back together
...started to love people without an agenda
...felt connected and disconnected, passionate and passion-less
...contradicted myself at times
...recognized the heart (both mine and others)
...saw prayer work - and was amazed at my amazement of it.
...laughed hardier
...shared my story
...yearned for other people to experience Jesus
...wanted to see the core of people, who they really are
...went on adventures
...saw how the Lord is molding some people
...had moments where I didn't act like the person I wanted to be
...was frusterated
...was filled
...was thankful
...grew. realized it. and wanted it.
...felt valued by God
...realized its okay to ask for help
...learned to love and to accept love
...was changed
..........am better for it happening
Posted by Jenn at 9:28 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 6, 2007
the current
i wish it was warm enough to go kayaking.
i have the urge to go out on the river, there's just something about it thats indescribable. When i'm out in my kayak, i like to lean back in the seat in the silence and let my mind roll to whatever it wants. To me, this is one of the most peaceful experiences ever. Whenever my mind stops wandering, or reality starts to set in once again and i sit up in my seat, i'm never where i was when i began. The river carries me to a different part of it, sometimes in a different direction and i never realize this has happened until i'm there.
and i was thinking today .... that's kind of like life.
Posted by Jenn at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
After talking with Drea and Randi, I decided to blog. Why? That's a question that I still have no definite answer to.
I've been thinking about this for a little more then a few days:
Last week I was in Boston for spring break. A conversation Lynsie and I had with a gentleman on Tuesday had an affect on me. We had been interviewing people all day on the street asking them what they thought about God, as part of a video documentary for ethne voices. When we approached this man with the question, he began to tell us why he thought...or rather why he knew God must exist. He talked about intricate things in the world that change without the help of man, like the seasons. He told us about the beauty and change around us to take note of and how obvious Gods presence is.
The thing that gets me is that this man was homeless. I find that amazing because honestly - he's at a place where it would be pretty easy to either deny God, or think God was out to get you. But- all he wanted to do was praise the Lord. From the outside its almost obvious to say this man had nothing. When you start to see things from his eyes, you realize he actually has everything he needs.
That's all for Blog number 1. Will there be more? Sure? Maybe? Yes? who knows.
Go. Live. Be.
Posted by Jenn at 7:50 AM 0 comments