Thursday, May 31, 2007

This School Year I...

...moved into an apartment with a lot of girls I didn't know too well
...found friendships with those women that can last till we're old and wrinkled
...led a bible study with one of those quality friends
...was scared out of my mind and challenged
...found a church i really like
...experienced my 1st broken heart
...didn't feel complete
...had friends I certainly didn't deserve at times - but was very thankful for
...trusted and sought God more
...prayed more
...traveled outside the country
...learned I don't have everything together - and that's okay.
...eventually put almost all the peices of my heart back together
...started to love people without an agenda
...felt connected and disconnected, passionate and passion-less
...contradicted myself at times
...recognized the heart (both mine and others)
...saw prayer work - and was amazed at my amazement of it.
...laughed hardier
...shared my story
...yearned for other people to experience Jesus
...wanted to see the core of people, who they really are
...went on adventures
...saw how the Lord is molding some people
...had moments where I didn't act like the person I wanted to be
...was frusterated
...was filled
...was thankful
...grew. realized it. and wanted it.
...felt valued by God
...realized its okay to ask for help
...learned to love and to accept love
...was changed better for it happening


Randi said...

that is a fantastic name. i'm a big fan.

Andrea said...

So, things are slowly changing on the blog...the layout, the name...jussst waiting for a new post :)