it has been quite a while since i've been in the blog world actually writing a blog. Mostly, i just stalk (in un-creepy ways) other people's blogs (that i know) that actually keep up with them. Matt Berbert and Katie Kosko, i for one applaud your keeping up with your blog abilities and thank you for always trying to write something that is captivating, deep, funny, emotional, and at times inspirational all in one blog.
Today, June 13 2008, at around 3pm, i am leaving my quaint little house to be a counselor at River Valley Ranch. I am going to be a middle school girls counselor until August 15th. Being a counselor is probably one of the coolest, most rewarding, frustrating, challenging, fun things i've ever done and i feel blessed to be used to play a part in these kids lives. No matter how much i love it, there is always a part of me on the day i have to leave that gets super nervous. I dont know what to expect ever, its a constant changing place with new faces and new experiences. At the end of the summer, i ususally look back to this nervousness and laugh...or stand confused as to why it would have even happen. If you all think about it, please pray for this summer, for the camp and for the kids that will be there. Pray that they really experience Jesus, in ways that the world isn't used to, in ways that impact them and refine them. Pray for the counselors, that we dont forget what we've been called to, that we put ourselves aside everyday and that we are refining ourselves too so each day we can live it out.
and hopefully...i'll learn to do my hair like this:
love and peace. I'll try to blog on the weekend...when the internet is available.
if you feel so inclined, mail me a letter of the post office variety. why? Because recieving a letter in the mail is close to the equivalent feeling of finding gold. I'll write you back, so then you can also experience the same feeling!
jenn. sunchips. miss you.
benn jooze, i am excited for this summer adventure. i'll be praying for you!
whoa. you blogged. i had no idea til this moment. i hope to see you soon dear friend!
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